Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What's That You Say?

Oh my, how did I land right smack dab in the middle of Nutsville with Crazy as my date? Once again? Folks, I have been of the opinion a better part of my life that I was surround by crazy people. However, call it maturity or a plain and simple reality check, I am pretty sure it is me that continually brings "crazy" to the party. Here I sit staring down Thanksgiving Day in two days, hosting company for a week, trying to juggle 2 jobs, 2 kids, a husband on vacation "at home", plan a trip to see my sister and soon to be niece in Texas, all the while I am trying to finish my de-clutter the house projects. So if I were to guess at a theme here, de-cluttered house equals clutter-clustered emotional state of mind? Yeah.... give me 48 hours and your going to find me on the corner of butterfly and nets :)
On a positive note, my son made the Assistant Principles Honor Roll! Wow, is it possible to be any more proud of our kids when we get to witness them growing up and doing their personal best? I think not....
On a mixed emotion note, I am both excited for my daughter and anxious for me. She has the privilege of joining her best friend (family friends) on a trip to Florida... Universal Studios.... Disney World.... WARMTH... Lucky girl indeed! She has already packed her bags. She is obviously not as anxious as me!
The wonderful world of Real Estate is getting more exciting and busier by the day, and Thirty-One has added to this excitement by offering a fun excuse to gather after-hours and hang out with friends. All in all this November has turned out most excellent. I suppose that if I truly do embody the life of the nutty - I might as well embrace it as it is a pretty great life to have :)
Well - good night all, it is 12:40 am and I am going to take another run at sleep, going shopping with a friend tomorrow. I will schedule this to post in the morning.

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