Waking up one day and realizing that you have been living your life in a monotonous, dreary and uninspiring rut is no cup of tea. You stop and ask yourself, how could this have possibly happened.. TO ME? It's like running straight into a brick wall with out even seeing it coming! Seemingly out of thin air some magical-like epiphany hits you and you suddenly realize that life has stalled, and seems to be going nowhere, especially if there are finacial issues, problems at work or even with the family. In order to attract that much needed newness back into our lives we first need to be honest with ourselves and admit that we are in fact stuck in a rut. After that we simply make a conscious choice to welcome change and daily seek out new new ways to rejuvenate our lives.
Here's a list I made myself in hopes to drawn inspiration from:
1. Live in the NOW, Leave Yesterday in the Past, and Don't Stress About Tomorrow
Stop living in the past, and avoid wasting another moment regretting anything that has happened, there is nothing to be done that can change it. Doing so only robs us of the remaining time gifted to us in the here and now. That gift should be spent enjoying the moment we are in WHILE we are in it. The same goes for worrying about tomorrow. So busy and anxious we become with the future that we once again lose out on yet another moment lived and enjoyed in the here and now.
2. Challenge Yourself
Setting a few personal challenges are a great way of motivating ourselves to do something new. Make sure to set the challenge high enough that it is not so easily achieved as not to become bored with it. I myself will be running the Tough Mudders race this next year and have committed to training with a personal trainer 2 to 3 times a week.
3. Change Up The Everyday Routine
How mind boggling easy it is to get wrapped up doing the same thing over and over for hours on end on completely uninspiring activities. To name a few; watching excessive amounts of TV, surfing the net or playing computer games, and better yet, Facebooking for hours. Just becaus i didn't post it doesn't mean it didn't happen :) I am am sure there are tons more that can be listed. Make a decision to do without whatever they are (yours personally) for a day or better yet 5 days!!! You are now forced to do something completely different and explore other opportunities. It goes without saying that you don't have to give up watching TV completely, and heaven forbid I wouldn't be able to google! How else would I help with my middle schoolers math, or figure out what and how to cook dinner ;) The point is not to become so absorbed in a single activity that it leaves no opportunity for discovering new doors to open in our lives.
4. Do Something for Someone Else
5. Step Away From Your LIFE for a Moment and Look at Life from a different perspective
Life can often become boring, it is more often than not a reflection of our personal attitude and behaviors. If we have a tendency to be negative, then it is more likely that we become bored with life and unable to see the positive side. For example, try to see one of your personal relationships from a different perspective; stop complaining about what bugs you about that person and start focusing on what you do like. Start behaving like the type of friend you want to have, and stop complaining about the type's of friends you do have.
6. Stop The Maddness, And Invest in some Mental Duct Tape and Post It's
It is your own thoughts and personal belief systems that have led you to the life you are currently leading. If you contine to think and feel like you are stuck in life, you are simply attracting more of the same. The same adage of "birds of a feather, flock together" holds the very same truth about your way of thinking and beliefs. This will sound corny but it's time to buy some mental duct tape and wrap up the negative thoughts, and utilize your post it notes as reminders of all the things that are good in life. We are creatures of habit and relearning a new way of thinking is not easy. You need to implement a strategy to continually remind yourself of the good in life, and how that there is an endless world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered. .
7. Stop Complaining
We could complain until we are blue in the face about a never-ending plethora of things; but does it make you feel better, feel satisfied, or happy? When we complain we actually focus our energy on the negative and invite more of the same. Ever bought a new car? After buying that new car did you by any chance happen to notice a TON more cars like it than you ever had before?
OK, so this was more than few..... No ones perfect :) And for the record, I am not much of one to proof read after I write. So please excuse the typos.
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